Heal Yourself,  Heal the world!  

Reconnecting Self love Through Healing Guided Meditation Practices. Empowering the medicine WITHIN you!

Platica - Consultation

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Tarot Awareness

Virtual. Exploring self-discovery through Tarot to empower and honor YOUR wisdom WITHIN! The Tarot is a very powerful tool that when used correctly can help us grow spiritually and obtain in-depth information about any subject  E.g. Insight or clarity about romance from a higher consciousness perspective. Come with specific questions or just general energy reading about a subject or area. You don't have to even mention the topic or question if you choose to do so.  Remember Only YOU as an individual is responsible for your actions and decisions   

Virtual, Embark in a Tarot healing space of intuitive exploration, symbology, and Archetypes to bring a balance of polarities. Guided by Dragons spirit allies to transmute the energies needed to clear the way of your goals and dreams. You can also use this time slot to receive Intuitive Tarot coaching on how to read tarot cards.

Past life Regression

Virtual, The power to change is in the present. The present is a gift. Sometimes we might be carrying unknowing influences and blockages from past lives situations that are no longer in our present reality. A  past life regression can help you to release these energies, understand reoccurring situations,  bring clarity about affinities and rejection in areas, people, places, items in your life, confirm dreams and Deja vu. A past life regression can bring a deeper awareness of the eternal love of our spirit.

Shamanic Practices

Virtual, One of the beautiful aspects of the shamanic journey is the principle of direct revelation.  The practice of shamanic journeying  helps   us  to   part   the  veils between  the  seen  and  unseen  worlds  and  access information and energies that can help awaken us and restore us to wholeness. With the help of the shamanic drum & rattle we will connect with the heart beat of the earth, reconnecting with your spirit guides team to access information you will like to inquiry about.

Virtual, According to many ancient traditions around the world, it is believed that whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma a part of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience, taking gifts and strengths with them such as how to love, trust, be creative, be joyful, etc.  Part of our essence, life force, the part of our vitality that keeps us alive and thriving.  Although soul loss is a survival mechanism the problem from a shamanic point of view is that the soul part that left usually does not come back on its own. The soul might be lost, or stolen by another person, or doesn’t know the trauma has passed and it is safe to return. When we are fully “inspirited” there is no place to retreat to and we are more inspired to change our lives. "It is our birthright to fully express our soul and create the world we want to live in. And it is our birthright to shine as brightly as the stars above us. It is time to share our light again in the world." Sandra Ingerman, 

Virtual, We live in a diverse world. We are One, we are connected to the All. We are part of Nature as we are part of Nature's cycles such as the Seasons, the Moon cycles, etc. Naturally, there are times when cycles end so we can continue with the flow of life to a new phase in our lives. Sometimes we are still attached to situations, people, relationships of any sort, and energies that don't serve our higher good anymore. Other times the people we are close to or that we care about unconsciously project their heavy feelings, and thoughts, or can emotionally drain us. Constricting or hindering us from moving forward. Cut clearing will help us to release the energy or nods that obstruct the healthy flow of a relationship it or even help us to let it go in a balanced loving way.

Virtual, We will ask permission to the guardians of this sacred medicine to support our loving process. Honoring the energy of the day in The Ancient Mayan Moon Calendar and Mama Cacao Spirit Plant as our guides to opening our heart energy fields. We will explore and allow listening to our hearts. As guided by the Mayan sacred Cholquij energy of the day, these sessions might involve Energy of the soul retrieval, Inner Child work, Past life insight, masculine-feminine balance, dream continuation, Spirit guide ally reconnection, Heart womb connection, or any personal intention U might want to request.

 1-1 Session with blessed Mama Cacao.

Virtual, It can be fit according to your intention for the session. Calling upon your personal Paqarina and Itu Apu, Navigating through the dimensions of Hanan Pacha, Kay Pacha, and Uku Pacha of the Ancestral lineage on Andean Cosmology. We will transform and heal your Ancestral pattern energies that no longer serve your highest good at this point in your life. 

Feeling a "strange" energy at home? paranormal phenomena, starting to have frequent unpleasant dreams?

"When we die there is usually a graceful transition into a transcendent reality. In shamanism, it is understood that when someone suffers a traumatic death such as murder, accident, war, drug overdose, suicide, or being in a terrorist attack there is a possibility that the soul might need assistance in crossing over into the transcendent realms. The reason for this is that the soul might get confused at death and remain caught here in what we call the Middle World" Sandra Ingerman

Virtual Consultation/Distance Psycho pomp, light of path. Mediumship will be added if a soul needs the guidance to move on.


The Healing Power Of Your Voice

Virtual, Your voice carries the unique frequency of your soul. Reconnecting to the power of your voice is an invitation to feel at home within.  Healing sessions might include energy work, womb-throat chakra healing, guided meditation, Personal Icaros, divine messenger channeled songs,  uniquely relevant to your healing intention, soul journey, and energy field clearing. 

Virtual, Medicine Songs are songs with intention. They are usually shared in shamanic community circles, spiritual gatherings, and ceremonies. It's not about how good or bad you sing, it's not about how pretty or not your voice might be. It's about your connection to your inner light and the intention, the energy you choose to transmit when singing. Medicine songs are loving ways to connect, bring healing and good blessings. They consider are good offerings for all our relationships. Is there a Medicine song you would like us to practice together? Receive divine insight about it or on creating your unique song? Let's roll it with Archangel Gabriel & Sandalphon to connect with the essence and have fun!

Energy & Crystal Healing 

Virtual, Several Energy Healing  Modalities, Activations & Transmissions in session to support you and activate you in your healing journey. Empowering your own ability to heal and maintain a stronger connection to the Source.

Dr.  Marcel Vogel designed the Vogel wand inspired by the Tree of Life, manifested to help humanity and to assist in the alternative healing world. The crystal Vogel Wand emits a vibration that extends and amplifies the power and grasp of the user’s mind. Intent used within the laser wand radiates energy in highly concentrated form, and this extremely benevolent energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will. The Vogel wand can bring harmony and balance by renewing energies in the etheric and chakra fields. The Vogel Wand is also used as an extraction healing tool.  When there are energies that don't move in your life, working on all levels of fear or even obstacles in life.

Virtual Toltec Fire /Crystal Grid Reading.